Recently, Tina Kane, one of our elder care coordinators, and I were invited to speak on the Givnish Spotlight hour on WWDB 860 AM. The show is led by representatives of the Life Celebrations family of funeral homes, a group that advocates for preneed burial and funeral planning. The reason for our invitation to join a few weeks ago was to discuss the value of planning as we age. Simple in concept, complex in execution.


If there’s a list of things we dislike or avoid talking about, I imagine death and dying would be near the top. Not far from the top are the topics of a senior healthcare crisis or the need for long-term care. Regardless, the value of spending a little time and maybe a little money while you’re healthy, both physically and cognitively, is difficult to overstate. The unfortunate reality of the families we help to navigate through long-term and healthcare issues is they are often already in a healthcare crisis, searching for guidance and advocacy in an increasingly disconnected system—a concept Rothkoff Law Group refers to as life care planning.


While there will always be components of a senior healthcare crisis that are unforeseen, there are equally as many that can be addressed early. This includes legal planning (e.g., powers of attorney, healthcare powers of attorney), asset protection planning, and, most importantly, care planning and coordination. These options can provide peace of mind that your chosen surrogate decision maker is able to advocate on your behalf, protect your assets from the high cost of nursing home care, and that you have the resources, including public benefits, to pay those care costs. 


I encourage taking a few minutes to listen to the broadcast by clicking here to learn more about elder care planning. If you or a loved one are facing a health concern or even worried that you may in the future, I also invite you to contact our office to discuss how Rothkoff Law Group can advocate helping you get the best care possible when needed and figure out how to pay for it, without going broke.