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So far Rothkoff Law Group has created 72 blog entries.

Virtual Elder Care Symposium Registration Now Open

Registration is now open for this year’s Elder Care Symposium on October 21st. The Virtual Symposium will be held on a customized virtual event platform featuring virtual presentations and an interactive exhibit hall with virtual booths. Each booth includes videos, downloadable documents, and event product information. You don’t want to miss this exciting experience! Our keynote speaker is Dr. Jason Karlawish, physician, writer, and professor at the University of Pennsylvania, and the co-director of the Penn Memory Center. Breakout sessions will include institutional racism in senior healthcare, virtual reality with seniors, pain management in the elderly, and more. You can [...]

2024-03-08T12:24:36-05:00July 9, 2021|

The Value of Home Modifications for Older Adults

The focus of our elder care law firm is to offer a multi-disciplinary approach to address the issues associated with the aging process. Traditional legal services such as drafting estate planning documents, trust planning, and guardianships are important legal tools that everyone should plan for. However, these purely legal tools do not prevent seniors from falling in their home and subsequently requiring a hospital stay and possible nursing home placement. As such, we provide both legal and non-legal care advocacy services to keep seniors at home, where most older adults want to be. COVID-19 and its aftermath have made senior [...]

2024-03-08T12:25:12-05:00July 9, 2021|

Medicaid Crisis Planning: Paying for Long-Term Care

COVID-19 has been devastating to long-term care residents. Although the situation has improved greatly after the availability of vaccines, family members are still hesitant to make the decision to place their loved ones in a nursing home setting. Nonetheless, there was and continues to be an important need for assisted living and/or nursing home care. Should placement in a long-term care community be necessary, it is important to adequately prepare for the significant financial costs of care. Medicaid crisis planning is a crucial step in preparing for the future and taming the unexpected. Medicaid crisis planning can help turn an [...]

2024-03-08T12:25:33-05:00July 9, 2021|

Update on Rothkoff Law Status

As we move into the second year of dealing with the effects of COVID-19, at the present time, most of our office team continues to be hard at work with the assistance of technology. We continue to be very productive working remotely, and are at the office when needed to meet with clients or perform tasks they cannot accomplish remotely. However, as more of our clients and staff are fully vaccinated over the coming weeks, we expect to start engaging in more in-person client appointments and have more staff return to the office. However, we will continue to give our [...]

2024-03-08T12:37:44-05:00April 6, 2021|

Expanded Skilled Nursing Facility Medicare Coverage During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has been particularly devastating for nursing homes and their residents. Aside from the tragically disproportionate loss of life, care for surviving residents has been delayed or interrupted due to infection, facility lockdowns or other health system disruptions. As a result, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has waived two limitations on Medicare Part A skilled nursing facility (SNF) coverage during the coronavirus pandemic: The 3-day qualifying hospital stay requirement; and The 100-day benefit period. However, CMS treats the two SNF coverage expansions differently from each other with regard to its connection to COVID-19. Three Day [...]

2024-03-08T12:30:05-05:00April 6, 2021|

Rothkoff Law 2021 Virtual Elder Care Symposium on October 21, 2021

We are excited to announce our virtual Symposium for 2021, to be held on October 21, 2021. Our keynote speaker will be Dr. Jason Karlawish, author of the new book, The Problem of Alzheimer’s – How Science, Culture, And Politics Turned a Rare Disease Into A Crisis And What We Can Do About It. Due to the uncertainty of large in-person gatherings this fall, we have decided to have the Symposium remain in a virtual setting this year. However, we have a very exciting new virtual platform we will be utilizing which we believe will delight all attendees and sponsors. [...]

2024-03-08T12:30:21-05:00April 6, 2021|

The Struggle for a National Agenda on Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementia

I am into my third decade of being an elder care law attorney. Early on in my career, I realized the shortcomings of a traditional elder law practice focused exclusively on financial issues. Our clients and families needed a multi-disciplinary approach to aging and chronic care issues, which focused on helping families navigate the health care system. This is the reason we now have five geriatric social workers in our elder care law firm. In 1989, Dr. Margaret Noel, a geriatrician, founded the Center for Older Adults at Thoms Rehabilitation Hospital in Asheville, North Carolina. Her center saw older adults [...]

2024-03-08T12:30:46-05:00April 6, 2021|

Symposium 2.0: Virtually Connected: A Revamped Four Part Virtual Series; Focusing on the Future of Elder Care

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the uncertainty as to the public health situation in the fall, we have decided to combine both the NJ & PA 2020 Rothkoff Law Elder Care Symposiums into a new virtual online platform. We will have a four-part series for the Symposiums beginning in September. Please save the dates shown at right. More details to come over the coming months. SAVE THE DATES 12:00 - 2:00 PM 9/24/2020 10/8/2020 10/22/2020 11/19/2020

2024-03-08T12:35:39-05:00August 6, 2020|

Rothkoff Law Group’s “Chalk Squad” Brings Some Joy to Long-Term Care Workers

Rothkoff Law Group teamed with Barclays Rehabilitation and Health Care Center by chalking the sidewalk outside long-term care communities in our area. Thank you to Elizabeth Solitro of Barclays and Rothkoff Law’s own Chelsea Ganssle for being the “chalk squad” and helping to bring some joy to our hard-working long-term care workers. CBS3 in Philadelphia did a story on the “chalk squad” in early June.

2024-03-08T12:43:05-05:00August 6, 2020|

Town Hall with Eloy Van Hal: The Future of Senior Care After COVID–19

On June 24, Rothkoff Law Group hosted a virtual “town hall” conversation with Eloy van Hal, the co-founder of the Netherlands’ Dementia Village. Eloy discussed the value of small scale senior housing and implementing the concept in the United States. COVID-19 has exposed the cracks in our tenuous system of providing and funding long-term care.  Comprehensive long-term care reform is needed more than ever before. An important piece of this reform is having more safe, affordable residential care options, including smaller scale residential models. Such residential housing models already exist in the Netherlands with the Dementia Village concept.  You can view highlights [...]

2024-03-08T12:36:20-05:00August 6, 2020|
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