Colombia Is Calling – Will We Answer?

Recently, Bryan Adler and I traveled to Colombia for a week-long trip as part of an elder law delegation from the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA), learning about the delivery of legal and social services to older adults in Colombia. Colombia is a fascinating, beautiful place. The people are warm and welcoming. Nursing homes generally do not exist. Virtually all take care of their loved ones at home. Walking multiple dogs at a time in Bogota seems to be a thing. I have no idea how the dogs are so well-behaved. There are still serious issues with the [...]

2024-03-29T20:59:04-04:00April 1, 2024|

My Visit with Grandpa: A Reminder of Why We Do What We Do

I have been a geriatric social worker for eight years and a care coordinator with Rothkoff Law Group for over three. I knew I wanted to work with the geriatric population when I was completing an internship at a long-term care facility in South Jersey during my senior year of college. I fell in love with the elderly population and knew that I wanted to help seniors have a good quality of life and be treated with dignity and respect. I also wanted to give them the chance to talk about their lives and feel heard. Working with the elderly [...]

2024-03-08T11:22:41-05:00September 30, 2022|

Dementia Care: Finding the Resources You Need

Finding quality dementia care is an important concern for countless families —and something we handle a lot with our clients at Rothkoff Law Group. The news recently reported Bruce Willis—an actor needing no further introduction—is stepping back from acting because he suffers from aphasia. Speculation furthered that he is suffering from cognitive impairment or dementia. This news felt oddly personal. I grew up watching Bruce in Die Hard, Die Hard II, as well as the other installments, along with countless other films of his. Beyond the personal effect, it also illustrates the hard truth that age-related illness, like dementia, knows [...]

2024-03-08T11:28:46-05:00June 3, 2022|

Holiday Tips for Dementia Caregivers and Being Dementia-Inclusive

Holiday family gatherings can be challenging, especially for those with dementia, but with a few helpful holiday tips for dementia caregivers, you can be inclusive and enjoy the time together. Instead of dwelling on what the holidays were like in years past, some of the best advice dementia care experts have to offer involves focusing on the present and developing strategies to roll with the changes to preserve the holiday spirit of gratitude. According to dementia care expert Teepa Snow, the following guidance will help make your holiday gathering more dementia-friendly. 1. Think Simple Think smaller. Simplifying celebrations can go [...]

2022-03-10T21:10:11-05:00December 24, 2021|

The Struggle for a National Agenda on Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementia

I am into my third decade of being an elder care law attorney. Early on in my career, I realized the shortcomings of a traditional elder law practice focused exclusively on financial issues. Our clients and families needed a multi-disciplinary approach to aging and chronic care issues, which focused on helping families navigate the health care system. This is the reason we now have five geriatric social workers in our elder care law firm. In 1989, Dr. Margaret Noel, a geriatrician, founded the Center for Older Adults at Thoms Rehabilitation Hospital in Asheville, North Carolina. Her center saw older adults [...]

2024-03-08T12:30:46-05:00April 6, 2021|
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