A Guide to Starting Conversations about Death and Dying

Starting conversations about death and dying, especially with loved ones, can be challenging. It is okay to feel scared about having this conversation, whether sharing your thoughts or asking others about theirs. However, having conversations about death and dying can be made easier with understanding, empathy, and a few tips.   Death is a natural part of life, yet it remains taboo in many cultures. Normalizing conversations about mortality breaks down barriers and encourages people to speak openly about end-of-life care, their end-of-life wishes, and preparations. Encouraging these discussions promotes acceptance and understanding, helping you approach the end of life with [...]

2024-07-26T13:25:32-04:00July 25, 2024|

Ways to Take Care of Your Mental Health as a Senior

We’ve reached a time where taking care of your health no longer refers solely to your physical self. However, for many, addressing mental health as a senior doesn’t come as naturally or easily as physical health. When it comes to physical health, we know that regular exercise, eating a balanced diet, prioritizing quality nutrition, and partaking in healthy habits, such as limiting alcohol consumption and abstaining from smoking, bode well for the general population. There are well-established physical activity guidelines and balanced nutrition recommendations that individuals can follow to help support physical health. So, while each person’s physical health journey [...]

2024-03-08T10:49:12-05:00December 14, 2023|
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