Unsupported Seniors: Challenges and Solutions

With an aging population and changes in family structures, many seniors are finding themselves without the necessary support to navigate the complexities of senior living, called unsupported seniors or solo agers. The challenges unsupported seniors face include financial struggles, healthcare hurdles, emotional isolation, and more.  Understanding the Challenges of Unsupported Seniors As people age, the support system they once relied upon might dwindle due to various reasons such as family relocation, the passing of a spouse, or changing social dynamics. Unsupported seniors often grapple with various challenges, from finance to healthcare and even isolation from living alone. Let’s go a [...]

2024-03-08T10:40:18-05:00February 22, 2024|

Solo Agers: Identifying Support Care, Asset, and Legal Support

A recent New York Times article detailed an increasing cohort of solo agers—those over 50 aging alone—and the physical, financial, and psychological effects of doing so. In 1960, less than 15% of households had a single occupant; that figure is nearly 30% today. Almost twice as many Americans over the age of 50 live alone today than in the year 2000. The research on this is clear: Seniors living alone have poorer physical and mental health and shorter life spans. In fact, research shows that loneliness is as damaging to physical health as smoking 15 cigarettes daily. Because solo agers [...]

2024-03-08T11:17:13-05:00December 2, 2022|

Unsupported Elders and Advocacy Services

Prior to starting my job as the Rothkoff Law Group Pennsylvania Client Services Director, where I work with many clients, including unsupported elders, I had plenty of experience in senior care, but I did not have any experience in the legal field. I was under the assumption that you meet with an elder care law attorney to have your will and powers of attorney prepared. I quickly realized that this could not be further from the truth. Outside of knowing my title, quite honestly, I was unaware of what my daily routine would be and what role I would play [...]

2021-11-09T16:52:52-05:00March 11, 2021|
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