Understanding Guardianship in Elder Care

As our population ages, understanding guardianship in elder care becomes increasingly critical for seniors and their families. Guardianship, a legal mechanism designed to protect individuals who cannot manage their personal and financial affairs, plays a pivotal role in elder care planning. This blog post provides a comprehensive overview of guardianship in elder care, including when it's necessary, how it functions, and the legal implications for both seniors and their families. When Is Guardianship Necessary? Guardianship in elder care becomes necessary when an individual lacks the capacity to make informed decisions about their health, welfare, or finances. This incapacity may result [...]

2024-08-09T13:26:28-04:00August 29, 2024|

The Benefits of Having an Elder Care Coordinator on Your Side

Have you ever considered the benefits of an elder care coordinator when planning for your or a loved one’s future? Rothkoff Law Group follows a unique elder care law firm model called Life Care Planning. This model encourages its law firms to hire care coordinators (usually a social worker or nurse) to help clients navigate the long-term care maze. We often hear, “What does the elder care coordinator do?” When we mention our firm has six geriatric social workers on staff, the reaction is either delight or confusion (or sometimes both). Below is an example of a typical client of [...]

2024-03-08T11:26:32-05:00August 5, 2022|

What Is an Adult Day Care Center and Is It Right for You or Your Loved One?

In 2016, there were about 4,600 adult day care centers with more than 286,000 participants, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. Adult day care centers are also the most affordable long-term care solution for seniors and disabled adults who need help with daily activities. You might be wondering, what exactly is an adult day care center? What kinds of services are usually offered? And, how do you know if an adult day care center is right for you or your loved one? In this article, we’ll answer these questions and more! What Is an Adult Day Care Center? [...]

2024-03-08T11:26:53-05:00August 3, 2022|

The Importance of Interprofessional Collaboration in Elder Care

Interprofessional collaboration is a vital part of elder care, bringing together resources and expertise from different areas in order to assist a family or individual. According to the World Health Organization, health care is undergoing a significant transformation to reduce cost while improving quality and client experience. Interprofessional collaboration (IPC) and education are viewed as the best path forward to meet the complex needs of today’s clients under new reimbursement models. According to the World Health Organization, IPC occurs when multiple health workers from different professional backgrounds work together with patients, families, caregivers, and communities to deliver the highest quality [...]

2024-03-08T11:29:42-05:00May 20, 2022|

Senior Resources: Social Work, Care Coordination, and Elder Law

For families with aging loved ones, having the right mix of senior resources can make life care planning easier and more effective. Many people often question the role of a care coordinator in an elder law firm, but in our practice, including social work in long-term legal and elder care planning makes perfect sense. After all, Rothkoff Law Group is an elder care law firm.   How many times have your peers encouraged you to see an elder law attorney for your loved one? Many of your peers may have found themselves in times of crisis in which they not only felt [...]

2024-03-08T11:32:07-05:00March 18, 2022|
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